How to Grow Rajnigandha Flower? Rajnigandha Flower Season

Rajnigandha flower plant is a low-maintenance plant which is fairly easy to grow & its beautiful white flowers releases fragrance which is very pleasing & takes away all the stress from you.

How to grow rajnigandha in pots?

To grow rajnigandha in pots, you need to prepare a nutrition-rich potting soil, fill it inside a pot and sow the bulbs in it & lightly water it to make the soil moist, and keep it in bright indirect sunlight until leaf emerges out of it, once it does move it to direct sunlight.

Rajnigandha flower loves hot weather which makes India a good place to grow it.

So without wasting any further time, let’s get into the process.

Grow rajnigandha in pots

Table of ContentQuick Overview

When to plant Rajnigandha Bulbs in India

Things required to grow Rajnigandha in Pots

Steps to Grow Rajnigandha At Home in Pots

Rajnigandha Flowering Season

When to plant Rajnigandha bulbs/ Rajnigandha sowing time in India?

The Spring season (March to May) is the best time to plant Rajnigandha bulbs in India.

As Rajnigandha plant is a sun-loving plant and requires a good amount of sunlight for its growth and will not grow in the presence of frost so avoid growing near the winter season.

During the spring season:

  • The days are longer
  • There is no frost (that you should avoid while planting rajanigandha bulbs)
  • A good amount of sunlight for these plants to feed upon.

Rajnigandha Flower Season

Rajnigandha Flower

Rajnigandha flowering season starts in April and stays as long as September.

It is a 365 days flowering plant that blooms year after year if you provide it with good care.


When you are growing it from bulbs, when can you expect it to bloom?

If it gets the proper amount of sunlight and fertilizer it needs, the blooming starts between 90 – 120 days after planting the bulb.

So, if you planted it in March, you can expect it to flower between June – July.

Things required to grow Rajnigandha flower in Pots

Rajnigandha Bulbs

The first thing you need in order to grow the rajnigandha plant at home is its bulb.

Rajnigandha bulb looks a bit like ginger in shape and color.

You can get good quality rajnigandha bulbs from any nearby nursery or you can order them online from amazon.

Ideal Sized Pot (Container)

The first thing you will need is a container, a pot, or grow bag that is at least 6 inches deep.

As the bulbs of rajnigandha are sown quite deep inside the soil and require a good amount of space to grow freely.

Make some holes at the bottom of the container for drainage of water and passage of air. Otherwise, the standing water will cause root rot. This is one of the most essential rules of Gardening at home.

For better results, you should only plant 2-3 bulbs per container, this will ensure that each bulb gets proper nutrition & grows healthy.

Potting Soil

Potting soil for Rajnigandha needs to be rich in nutrition and have good drainage capacity so that it can flush out excess water out of the drainage holes.

Rajnigandha is a heavy feeder and requires a good amount of nutritious elements to produce blooms and grow healthy.

Apart from that, it doesn’t have any other requirements with respect to soil.

You can use the following ingredients to make potting soil for rajnigandha. (I have also provided a link to amazon, if you want to buy any of these products, these are affiliate links, mind you).

Coco Peat – 30%

Garden Soil – 30%

Vermicompost – 30%

Perlite – 10%

You can also add a handful of neem cake to avoid any pest from attacking it.

If you don’t want to make soil by yourself, you can order pre-made potting soil for it.

This one is a good quality soil with enough fertilizer.

How to Grow Rajnigandha Flower in Pots – Step by Step Process

Once you have arranged everything required to grow it, now is the time to dive into the process.


Take the container and fill it with potting soil leaving only 1-2 inches from the top.

Now, you need to sow the bulb inside the potting soil.

How to plant rajnigandha bulbs/ how to sow rajnigandha bulbs?

To plant Rajnigandha bulbs, make a hole of around 5 cm in the potting soil with the help of a small stick, and then insert the bulb inside it, keep a gap of 6 inches between each bulb so that they don’t fight for food. Then, water it enough to make the soil moist.

Don’t plant more than 3 bulbs in a 6-inch pot otherwise, it will get too overcrowded.            

Once all this is done, keep the pot in a location where it can receive a bright indirect location for a full day.

As soon as the leaf emerges out of it and it grows 3-4 inches in height move it to direct sunlight.

Keep Watering & Feeding It

Before watering it again, check if the soil has become dry if yes then only water otherwise you need not.

Once it starts to get big it will need more nutrition so add some fertilizer (8:8:8) every six weeks, you can also add some crushed eggshells to feed it with calcium.

That’s it. Just make sure you are not overwatering it.

Sunlight Requirements – (Growing Rajnigandha Flower)

Does Rajnigandha need sunlight?

Yes, it does. In fact, the Rajnigandha plant loves sunlight and requires at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight to thrive well.

If you fail to provide it good amount of sunlight, it might look healthy but won’t produce flowers.

Once I moved my Rajnigandha plant under shade and its leaves started to turn brownish, so make sure that you keep it under direct sunlight.

Only during very harsh summers, should you consider moving it under shade other than that it will thrive well under the sun.


I hope this guide will help you grow rajnigandha at home in pots easily and enjoy its beautiful bloom.

If you are still facing any problems, do let me know through the comment section.

And also don’t forget to share this amazing guide with your family members and friends.