Parijat(Harsingar) Plant – How to Grow and Care For it?

Parijat/Harsingar flower plant is adored all over India.

Because of its unique flowering routine, this plant, only flowers during the nighttime & shed all its flower once the sunlight falls over it.

How to grow the Parijat plant at home is what you are going to learn today from this post.

So, make sure you read it till the last because I have also told you about its care requirement and how to keep it healthy.

Let’s dive into the action.

How to Grow Parijat/Harsingar Plant – Step by Step

How to grow Parijat/Harsingar Plant

Best time to grow Parijat/Harsingar Plant?

The best time to grow Parijat/Harsringar plant from cutting is during monsoon season when the temperature ranges from 25-35 degrees Celsius.

So, it should be grown around June – Early September.

Steps to Grow Parijat/Harsingar Plant From Cutting

To grow Parijat /Harsingar plant from cutting, you simply need to get a few cuttings of about 6-8 inches, which are a little brownish in color. Fill a container with fast-draining potting soil and plant these cuttings inside it and cover it with a bag to give it heat and retain moisture.

Choosing the Right Cuttings

To get the right cuttings, make sure that the cuttings are at least 6-8 inches in size and have 4-5 leaves on them. Don’t get the ones that are tender and look greener. It should be brown in color or a bit mature.

Now, remove all the leaves from its bottom part, only keeping 2-3 leaves on its top.

Now, cut the bottom part of the cuttings at a 45-degree angle, you don’t have to be precise but this help in increasing the surface area, which then helps in absorbing more nutrients and water.

Preparing the container

Take a container (8 inches) and make a drainage hole at the bottom of it.

Now, fill it with potting mix.

The soil for growing Parijat/Harsingar cutting needs to be fast draining and should have the following ingredients.

Once the container is ready.

Promoting Root Growth

Dip the bottom of the cuttings in rooting hormone and then insert them inside the soil about 1-1.5 inches deep.

And press gently around it.

Water thoroughly after planting the cutting.

And now comes the most important part.

Cover these potted cutting with the help of either a plastic bag or plastic bottle for the greenhouse effect.

And keep it in under the shade.

After 10-12 days remove the plastic bag/bottle and if everything goes well you will see new life seeping through it.

Now you can move it to a bigger pot whenever it starts outgrowing its current pot.

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Harsingar (Parijat) Flowering Season

Raat ki rani (Harsringar) flower coming in life

The flowering season of the Harsingar (Parijat) plant is from August till December.

Once the monsoon has passed and the weather starts to get a bit dry with longer nights.

This is the time when the gorgeous flowers of Harsingar start to come into life.

Although, if a frost comes earlier at your location then it will stop blooming a bit earlier (November).

Parijat Plant Not Flowering   

Parijat (raat ki rani) flower buds

Parijat plant, not flowering is caused by 3 main reasons:

  • Sunlight (Too little or too much)
  • Not feeding it with Fertilizer
  • Not watering it properly

Giving it too much direct sunlight

This plant only requires light direct sunlight (morning sunlight), so if your plant is placed in a location where it receives direct sunlight all day consider moving its location.  Or if it’s placed in a shady location Parijat plant will also not be able to flower. The key here is to provide it with direct morning sunlight and then bright indirect sunlight all day long.

Not Providing It with Fertilizer

Parijat is a moderate feeder and requires fertilizer at least twice a year.
And during its flowering season which is from Aug – to Dec, you should provide it with well-rotted compost or vermicompost for it to have the required nutrients to flower.

Watering Incorrectly (Parijat Flower)

The biggest threat to Parijat (Harsingar) plant is standing water, which causes root rot in it. Your plant might be suffering from it without you having any idea about it which is why it is not able to flower.

Just check your soil and see if it’s wet and soggy then your plant is either in the process of root rot or has already rotted.

Hold back watering for a few days and see if its health improves if not you will need to re-pot it.

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Parijat (Harsingar) Plant Care – The Best Tips

For Parijat (Harsingar) plant care, provide it with a fast-draining potting soil that has a good amount of nutrition. Grow it in a location with moderate sunlight and water deeply only when the few inches of the top layer are dry. Fertilize in the spring and summer seasons.

Let’s get into more detail:

The Right Potting Soil

Parijat (Harsingar) prefers fast-draining nutrient-rich soil to grow healthy.

As, this plant suffers root rot easily, adding sand to its potting soil is very important for its proper care and growth.

So, if you are growing it in a container then use the following ingredient to make the potting soil:  

But first, be very sure to make drainage holes at the bottom of the container before filling the potting soil.

But if you have a backyard and grow it directly in the ground, then you don’t have such requirements.

Just make sure to dig and add cow dung in it and choose a location where water doesn’t stay as it will cause root rot.

Watering Properly – Crucial Part of Parijat Plant Care

The most important part of taking care of the Parijat flower or Harsingar flower plant is watering it.

This plant doesn’t like to stand in water for a long time and if it happens, its root start to rot and the plant will ultimately die.

So, whenever you are growing parijat tree directly in your ground, make sure water doesn’t stay in that area on normal days as well as rainy season.

And before watering it make sure that the soil is dry and if it is dry then flood it with water such that water comes out of the drainage holes.

During the summer season, depending on the harshness of the heat, you might need to water it twice a day.

When growing it in containers, you will need well-drained soil so that water can flush out of the pot easily.

Always do a finger check before watering the Harsingar plant in a container, that is put your finger 1-2 inches inside the potting soil to feel if it’s dry or not.

If it has moisture then don’t water it, only water when it feels dry.

Sunlight Requirement – Basic Care for Parijat Flower

There is a beautiful Parijat flower tree in my friend’s backyard and it is grown in such a location that it receives morning sunlight for 2-3 hours and then goes under the shade of a bigger plant for the rest of the day.

So, this is what you also need to do for proper care of your Harsingar plant.

Choose a location where it can get light morning sunlight and then during the afternoon when the sun is too harsh, it comes under shade.

Too much of afternoon sunlight can burn and ultimately kill your harsingar tree.

Fertilizing Harsingar (Parijat) Flower Plant 

As this plant grows very big, it requires a good amount of nutrients as well to grow well and keep flowering.

So, you will need to provide at least 1 kg of Vermicompost (the best one) or well-rotted homemade compost to it twice a year. You can learn to make compost from kitchen waste at home from this guide I wrote.

Once in the month of March and again just before its flowering season that is in August.

Also, add a handful of Neem Khali (pesticide) to the fertilizer for good results.

Pruning During Summer

Parijat flower grows rapidly during summers when it is not flowering and can start growing in one direction and go out of shape.

So, to give it a better shape, you should prune it properly during the summer season.

For this, all you have to do is use a pruner or sharp knife and cut all the small branches going in an undesired location.

This will keep the plant’s growth in check and proper use of nutrition as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can We Grow Parijat/Harsingar in pots?

The answer is absolute yes. Parijat/Harsingar Plant can be grown in pots.
But as this plant grows to a height of 10-20 feet, its root needs a lot of space to grow.

So, whenever it outgrows its present pot, repot it into a bigger one.

Also, always keep pruning it to keep it in shape.

You can get a live plant of Harsingar from Amazon (affiliate link).

Is Harsingar and Parijat Same?

Yes, Harsingar and Parijat are the same plants. It is known by many other names in different regions of India. Such as Shiuli, Har Shringar, and Parijath.

Does Parijat plant need sunlight?

Yes, the Parijat plant needs a moderate amount of sunlight and does best in the golden morning sunlight.

Final Words

I hope this guide will help you grow and care for your Parijat plant.

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